Waste Management Announcement:

Posted on March 25th, 2020

March 24, 2020
Because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Federal and State Declarations of
Emergency have been issued that recommend non-essential employees shelter in place and
work from home when possible to promote social distancing. As a result, Waste Management
has significantly reduced its “field” work force and is focusing on the performance of essential
services during this unprecedented emergency. Because of its importance to the health and
safety of our society, municipal solid waste collection and disposal is deemed an “essential
service” in most instances, and so Waste Management’s employees dedicated to collecting and
disposing of trash are in the field continuing to perform this critical function.
In order for Waste Management to maintain its focus on municipal solid waste collection and
disposal, and due to the reduced number of employees in the field, effective Wednesday, April
1, 2020, Waste Management is temporarily suspending the performance of the following
services, which are non-essential during this period of emergency:
• Bulk Collection – furniture, carpet, mattresses, appliances, etc.
• Spring and bulk clean-ups
• Yard Waste Collection – grass clippings, brush, tree limbs, etc.
When the Declarations of Emergency and social distancing recommendations have been eased and Waste Management’s work force returns to pre-pandemic levels, these services will be restarted. Waste Management will provide notice when the service(s) will resume.

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